Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It really is not a laughing matter

My last post was a tongue-in-cheek look at Mrs. Clutter and the way the title of  ”President" had gone to her head. The fact is I am almost ashamed of myself for making light of these items because what she is doing is not a laughing matter. The baseballs and baseball hats are just childish muscle flexing, the attacks on the CDL acquisition more of the same, but now she is accusing Levi of managing the baseball team during his hours of work as transportation manager. The theme here is obvious: continue to focus on one person and attack each and every aspect of that person until the board members involved break him or her. This type of action by a supervisor, administrator or board member is improper and immoral.

There is a consistent process from these board members to “search and destroy”. Lets look back:  Tom Sable, Ed Dalton, Chad Daloia, Ed Dalton, the football team, Ryan Daloia, Ed Dalton, Dennis Makel,  Levi Bristor, the entire staff of cafeteria workers, the baseball team (yes, Ed was three times)  I could continue here, but you get the point. Interestingly, most of these deal with athletics or people who genuinely care about our children. We are told “it’s not about sports”. The majority of these items and many others would never be tolerated by the average person. However, because they are directed at teachers, coaches and other school personnel, by school board members, we have begun to tolerate the behavior.

I do not know if certain members of this board will ever develop a conscience. I do not know if those same board members will ever realize the importance of having good, hard-working employees. We can certainly hope for those things, and we can continue to thank those members that have cast away the venomous attitudes of others and allowed common sense and decency to be their guiding factors.

The election will be here soon.  The three members who continue to create the most havoc will not be on the ballot. However, we still have the ability to surround them with new board members that will bring a sense of decorum to the board and could bring respect back to the Trinity School System.

Monday, March 21, 2011

President Clutter to the Rescue

With a potential 3 million dollar deficit looming in the near future, contracts not signed for the service personnel, teacher contracts nearing their end, and contract attorney, Mr. Breth, charging tens of thousands of dollars for everything except contracts, issues and concerns about Trinity South abound.  Add to those the insurance dilemma and the multiple on-going lawsuits. With all of these major issues President Clutter has figured out how to save the day. She has filtered out all of peripheral nonsense and has gone directly to the heart of the problem. She has caught the baseball team (well, at least Coach Levi) purchasing some extra hats. Let’s see: we spend around $8.00 per hat, Levi purchased an extra 16 or 17 hats. Doing the math, bankruptcy is averted. We have potentially found as much as $170.00 savings. We can now breathe a little easier.

Please understand that it is possible for hats to get lost, ripped, filthy or just forgotten.  I think we would have to ask the coach how many we normally use. Of course, he is the one who ordered what he felt he needed in the first place. There will always be a need for additional hats.  Another question for the president concerning Levi:  is there a reason why you are also attacking his attempt at securing a chauffeurs license? It is required in his contract; therefore, he must secure one. Just so we all know, he is paying for the training on his own, and he does the training during his lunch break. While we are talking about examples of likely abuse of authority, let’s look at the accusations made by the President toward the lunch personnel. The actual complaint is that the employees are BUYING food from the company that sells to the school. Will these board members ever stop? Do some of the members not realize that they are only Trinity School Board members from gavel to gavel? They do not have the right to make decisions, changes and adjustments when the meetings are not in session. Each board member is a normal citizen during all other times.  

Here is another Leviism, it appears that king I mean President Clutter has found another way to save millions, or at least another $30.00 or $40.00 dollars. Baseballs, yes baseballs and it appears we possibly have pictures to prove it. There were two gentlemen at the baseball practice taking pictures, we assume of the baseballs in the field. Consequently Bobby Jones then approached Levi and informed him of a need to begin accounting for the baseballs used.  Give me a break, this is ridiculas.

In my opinion it is time for Dr. Kasunich to stand up and say enough is enough. Moral at the schools is at an all time low, certain board members are micro managing every aspect of the school system except the big stuff like, education. Dr. Kasunich is the only local person with the authority to say “stay out of my schools” and “let me operate the schools the way I see fit” however he has yet to put his foot down. Dr. K if you continue to wait it will be too late.

The people of the Trinity School District are very lucky that we have Chris Chambers spending many hours of his own time, researching, attending meetings, and being our watchdog over the insurance program. He has been asking the right questions and making sure that every concern is addressed. Chris was placed on the agenda for last weeks meeting to offer his take on the insurance situation. Chris presented a very concise and informative statement that certainly put things into their proper perspective. I also ask that if you see Chris, thank him for his efforts. His do-diligence has allowed us to express our expectations from the financial leaders of our School Board.

I will advise everyone concerning the time, date and location of the next “meet your board candidate” as soon as possible.

What's next?

Here is a little teaser for you during the next few hours I will put the new blog on, What’s the teaser?

The headline will be:

President Clutter to the Rescue!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What is the next step for the election?

Our get-together last night was very productive. It gave several individuals a chance to ask questions, present ideas, and even vent a little. We did invite all of the candidates that we could contact. However, three of the individuals either did not return my calls or I could not locate information on them. Last night was intended to be the first in a series of "town hall" style meetings; it was more of an introduction meeting. We will be having another on March 21st at 7:00 PM, (or another day that week, I will let you know) with a much more detailed agenda. The next meeting will have each candidate sitting on stage at a table. After a 3 minute self introduction, we will provide time for all interested parties to ask questions with timed answers from the intended recipient.

Questions will be asked by the audience members in attendance. We will not allow, nor would we expect, attacks or verbal abuse intended for any candidate. The idea is this:  if the candidate is willing to answer our questions and concerns, then it will become much easier to make an educated, informed decision when it comes time to vote for these candidates.

After this next general meeting we will schedule additional meetings, geared towards the individual areas, addressing individual concerns, meetings specifically planned for the people of Canton Township, South Strabane and so on. This will allow a much more concentrated effort for all of the concerned parties and will allow a better understanding of the needs and desires of each individual community. You may ask yourself, is this all needed? Our answer to that is "yes", after seeing the effects of little to no concern for our school board elections, and the catastrophe that can ensue.  YES, it is needed. We must take the extra steps for all of our children, our tax base, and our future. Never again can we sit back and say “what harm can they do”; never again can we take a lackadaisical approach to our most important and cherished gift, our right to equal and fair representation through the election process. I realize it sounds like a soap box, but we have seen the damage that can be caused by a select few if we ignore our do-diligence when exercising our right to vote.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A very important get-together

We are having a get-together this evening to introduce candidates for the upcoming Trinity School Board race. The gathering will be held at 7:00 PM at the First Baptist Church at 101 College St., on the corner of Wheeling and College. You can park behind the church or in the library lot, since it should be closed at that time. If you cannot be there at 7,  please come later, as we will be there until at least 9:00 PM.
For the past 15 months we have been told by attorneys, judges, school officials, ranking  state officials, community leaders and onothers, that the problems we currently have with our school system are actually our own fault. In November of last year we allowed a few people with long term vendettas, agendas and built-up hatred to take over positions on the Trinity School Board. We allowed it because we chose to not vote, or to not think about our vote or to simply believe the lies that some of these individuals spewed to the public in order to be elected. Just a few short months ago no one would have believed that a portion of a nine-member board could destroy an institution to such a degree. Trinity is still a great place, but how much more of the embarrassment, degradation, insults, ridicule and harassment can this wonderful school system and its amazing staff, administrators, coaches and student body endure, I fear not much more.
It is time for each of us to let our voices echo through the halls of each Trinity school with a resounding, “Enough is enough”. Your vote in this next election will be one of the many important decisions you will make for your children and for their future. This one action has the ability to impact the lives of thousands of men, women, and children in a positive manor. This is one of those times that one voice, one action; one vote does make a difference. This meeting will help to inform all of us of the intentions of the candidates. We will have an opportunity to ask questions and find the answers to the items of most impotence to our families.
I truly apologize for this gathering occurring on Ash Wednesday. It was the only available time, and the importance of having this meeting as soon as possible speaks for itself. Please bring your friends and family with you. I have been asked, “Is it ok to bring children?” Of course it is; they are the reason we are here.
As always, thanks for the support. ...See you tonight.
Ed Martin

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It is time to take charge

Let’s not forget about the gathering tomorrow evening at the First Baptist Church at 101 college. On the corner of Wheeling and College. This will be a good time to ask prospective School Board candidates, what would you like to accomplish as a school board member? What would you do with South? What is your position on the current Insurance issue? What changes to the curriculum would you like to see, etc?  The gathering will be at 7:00 and is open to anyone that is concerned about the school board and school system. No one is going to say yes I have a personal vendetta to settle, instead we can ask candidates to promise to always act with the best interests of the district, students and tax payers and not to let personal feelings over take their decision making process.

There is no charge for this event.  This is to ask question and meet some of the potential candidates. We intend to have some light snacks; cookies etc. so if you need to bring children feel free to do so. Please ask friends and neighbors to come along with you. This could be the beginning of much needed change in our school system and a school board that for a few of them has become known as "Snakes-on-a-Stage"

I truly apologize for scheduling it on Ash Wednesday, but it was the only day available and I am in hopes that scheduling it after 7:00 will help with conflicts. Remember it starts at 7 but feel free to come at any time you are available we should be at the church until around 9 or after so feel free to come when you can.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Some thoughts!!

Something occurred to me this morning that I thought I would share, as parents we spend most of our lives worrying about our children. We worry about the opportunities that have been placed before them. We worry about their future, their college choices, their safety, their education and a multitude of other things that are part of being a parent. So, why do I state the obvious, well, I realized that we have three board members that have children in the Trinity School system and at least a couple that have grand children in Trinity.

How is it possible that most of these board members have spent the last 15 months worried about executing a variety of planned vendettas without even considering the disaster they have created for the children of the Trinity School District, including their own? They have been given an incredible opportunity to positively affect the educational, emotional and philosophical lives of hundreds of children and yet they have chosen to attack some very good people and tear apart the very system that they were elected to protect and develop. How exactly does one hate so deeply that they can do these things and not even consider the long term damage created by their actions.

This is the exact reason that we need to make sure that a new board is voted in this May, educated adults that do not care about a wrestling problem from seven years ago. People that understand that the way they treat the staff and employees of the school district is just as important as the student’s education. People that know how to respect their positions and to create a professional, goal oriented board. A board that believes in Roberts Rules of Order and believes that parent and taxpayer input are a blessing not a curse. Representatives that believe that every child at Trinity is worth the extra effort of the board members, men and woman whom love Trinity more than they love the power of the position.

We will have a gathering of concerned Trinity family members and anyone who is running for School Board in the upcoming election on Wednesday, March 9 at 7:00 p.m. The planned gathering will be held at The First Baptist Church located at
101 College St.
it is at the intersection of College and Wheeling St. Parking is in the rear of the church or at the library across the street. This meeting should give all of us a chance to ask questions of the potential candidates and hopefully to understand the reason’s behind each of their candidacies. All are welcome and hopefully we have a strong turnout for this very important gathering.

Friday, March 4, 2011


The last two meetings of the Trinity School Board have been marred with many interesting, moments. I will attempt to touch on a few of those items here, mostly things that occurred after the actual meeting two weeks ago. The information about that meeting is in this previous blog posting.

Immediately following the board meeting, the father of a board member decided to verbally offer his take surrounding coach Dalton’s tenure at Trinity.  His commentary was filled with false and unsubstantiated accusations concerning Ed. This person proceeded to attack Ed’s character, his integrity and his morality, he did so in an open forum and as usual he spoke loud enough for anyone within ear shot to have heard the conversation. It did not matter that we spent $25,000 to prove there was nothing wrong, and that, according to Mr. Breth no person was found to have done anything improper. However,  “he knew what had been done” This same person has on numerous occasions made similar accusations to additional people throughout town and in much different venues.

One such time was his verbal assault of a past customer during that customer’s visit to his office. Multiple accusations were again bantered about as if there were facts associated with the information. (Of course there were not) However during that visit this person also gave a glimpse into their family’s mind, by offering an explanation as to why terminating Dalton was so important. According to the customer, this person stated that 7 years ago there was an issue with the wrestling team at Trinity and Dalton would not correct the issue to their liking. So, at that moment it was decided the son would run for school board and then terminate Dalton as one of his first acts, do we all remember the first action of this board “open all coaching positions” that was over 15 months ago.

We are aware of dozens of such conversations, held in conjunction with and without board meetings, with and without board members present, and held in locations like Denny’s restaurant, Eat-N-Park restaurant, McDonald’s restaurants, and the list goes on.

I am certainly aware that dozens and dozens of people have been part of, listened too or have heard these stories. I think it is time for as many people as possible to step up and offer written information as to their contact with these board members and what was offered to them as proof of wrong doing. We can not allow a group of people like this to degrade out teachers, coaches and friends in this manor. We as a civilized people must end these attacks and must force these individuals to adhere to the normal standards and practices offered by even the smallest companies. Each involved member should be held accountable for their actions.  

The meeting this week was a bit less eventful, however in a rather spirited volley of words Mr. Keisling made his feelings known, concerning the upcoming self-insured program and subsequent vote, and also the all-day kindergarten debate. Keisling does not want either; however several members of the board and Mr. Kasunich do want both, Could prove to became a serious issue soon.