Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Another letter to the editor!!!

Just when I think there are very few things certain board members can do to sink any lower, one of them proves that I couldn’t be more wrong. This week Mrs. Clutter has chosen to thrust herself into new depths of ridicules behavior. How you may ask? Simple, when confronted about issues surrounding the alumni game debacle the board members in question had no comments, questions or remarks. Now, I am sure that if asked, these select few board members would tell you they are not supposed to respond to the public. However, that is their rule, their way of reducing the possibility of an embarrassing moment occurring during any confrontations. How then do they attempt to get the last word in? By writing a letter to the editor or placing ads in the newspaper of course. This then eliminates any possible rebuttal, any confrontation and any possibility of being chastised for their actions.

Is it not time to grow up and move towards making Trinity the type of school that we can all be proud of? Have there not been enough heart ache, turmoil, ridicule, embarrassment and hatred spewed towards the public and towards the very children you have sworn to protect and to educate? The most recent letter to the editor contained defamatory and harassing statements as a reward for a young man whom simply tried to support his Alma-matter by assisting in the development of an alumni game that he and many other’s were proud to be part of.


  1. Could it possibly be that Clutter is a worse president than Bodnovich? It's like the old question: Which is worse, dying by fire or drowning? Both are bad!

  2. Hi,
    Can someone, anyone.... please tell me how the board is elected? What is their term and when is the re-election process? Are there bios for the current board members available somewhere? How about results from the most recent election? I have been searching for those but cannot find them anywhere. Thanks for any help you can be. Sam Hall

  3. This could be a good story!!! What do you want to know more about? Our School Board President that fabricated his background? Our Superintendent who was criminally charged? The $25,000 Athletic Department Audit that revealed “no misappropriations of funds?” The full page ad’s that were taken out by 4 of the board members that contained inaccurate information? The firing of the football coach 3 times? The firing of the AD only to replace him with a totally incompetent AD? The board member that said while her fellow board member was speaking, “Sandy, call me when this nonsense is over with” while voting by phone at a board meeting? The Superintendent saying “I quit” at a board meeting? A Board Member entering the school through a back door with an ex- employee and trying to access the computer? Where do you want to start? This isn’t even all of it!
