Saturday, July 9, 2011

Another Lawsuit??? and She wants to do what with Spirit Wear???

I have waited several weeks for the following information to be reported on but I have not heard or read anything about it. So I thought I would at least put the facts in the blog to allow you the opportunity to stay informed. So, here are the basic facts from a lawsuit filled against The Trinity School District. Docket No. 533-2010-01118 Filled with the United States Equal Opportunity Commission.

Craig Jackson filled an action stemming from an application with the Trinity Area School District, Trinity was ordered to pay Jackson $21,000 and Gregg, Jackson’s attorney $9,000. Jackson agrees to not pursue any further actions.

One part to this that bothers me greatly is that this action is against the Trinity Area School District not the Trinity School Board A few members of the board continue to lump the  great families of Trinity into this type of action and embarrass each and every one of us because of their own feelings, agendas, and prejudices. Enough is enough.

Here is a brief tidbit about recent statements by the President of the Trinity School board, she now would like to open a store in the school to sell spirit wear, and no longer allow booster clubs the opportunity to sell the items without paying licensing fees. Lets look at all the facts here. The board initiates a Pay-for-Play policy, they then eliminate most items that will be purchased by them (more on this in a couple days), then they reduce our coaching staffs by 9, and now reduce the possibilities of booster organizations making minimal profits on Trinity logoed items DO you see a trend here that would include the elimination of sports. I will offer more details in a couple days but that is the start.

1 comment:

  1. Who is Craig Jackson and what is the basis for the lawsuit?
