Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Thursday July 21, 2011 School Board Meeting

This meeting has the potential to be a very important one, there will be many questions asked and hopefully answered at this meeting. If you are available please come and support your school and your children. If you have questions ask them, we each need to become involved in the process instead of waiting for decisions to be made for us. This is not just about sports, it is however about the future of our children and the education of our children. We can no longer allow decisions to be made with malice, contempt and personal adgendas in play but rather these decisions need to be made in the best interests of the students, the educators, the parents and the taxpayers.


  1. So lets see if they give Dr. K that BIG BONUS and RAISE after they axed 6 teachers and a total of 12 teaching positions.

  2. If we wait until the decisions are made, it may be too late. If you have questions or comments, they need to be made before the decisions are made.

  3. Not only Dr. K but the AD also

  4. How embarrassing Board Member, Colleen Interval, was tonight. As Mrs. Salvatori waqs addressing the board about proper code of conduct according to the PSBA, she had the nerve to say: "Sandy, call me back when this nonsense is over." That was one of the most classless, unprofessional events I have ever seen by an adult. Truely embarrassing act.

  5. Heard it loud and clear!July 22, 2011 at 1:34 PM

    It was embarrassing but what else would you expect from Interval? She's a total bully. I have never met anyone in my life that is as miserable and mean as Colleen Interval. She's nasty and classless. She should resign before she embarrasses herself or her daughter any further!

  6. Is the rumor floating around town true that a certain board member "helped herself" into the middle school after hours and searched through computers for emails? Wouldn't this be illegal? How did she get in? Did she have permission? If true, the district had better file a report with North Franklin for trespass. This is the exact behavior Mrs. Salvatori spoke about at the board meeting last night. If true, this is illegal and unethical. From what I hear, this isn't the first time this board member has helped herself into the building after hours snooping around. Can anyone verify?

  7. Pull the tapes from the cameras! They should be charged!!

  8. the voice of reasonJuly 24, 2011 at 12:52 AM

    Why are board members permitted to be on speaker phone anyway? Probably just to get their vote. Are there rules/punishment for board members acting openly disrespectful? She has stepped over this line many times before. She should have been gone a while ago!

  9. Please and Thank YouJuly 24, 2011 at 11:27 AM

    Maybe Mr. Makel should remind the board to be polite instead of the public.
